thinkeo: the key intermediary for integrating content into your workflows

Thinkeo acts as an intermediary, recouping and tailoring scattered content and data, facilitating swift and personalized creation of documents and presentations. This smoothens processes in which content creation plays a role.
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September 20, 2023
thinkeo: the key intermediary for integrating content into your workflows

From Knowledge Bases to Content Integration

In a previous article, I discussed the demise of knowledge bases, at least in their current form. To clarify my stance, I believe that viewing knowledge bases as the place where users can find, manage, and manipulate content seems outdated or at least a partial and imperfect response to operational reality. Your content and data are everywhere: in Notion, Slack, Drive, SharePoint, in your CRM, ERP, ATS, and so on. It constantly lives, evolving as your own activity does. Whether it manifests as data, a text, an argument, an idea, or a positioning, your content is inherently elusive.

How Thinkeo Streamlines Content Integration

So, how does Thinkeo orchestrate it all so that this content can be transcribed into documents, presentations, deliverables, landing pages, etc? We position ourselves as an intermediary between your scattered content and data, and the content distribution formats. In other words, we retrieve the data wherever it is, and transform it into whatever you want.

It's crucial to understand that we are entirely and completely detached from the content distribution format. We focus on the content and adapt its form at the time of publication. Your content can become a PPT, a Word document, or feed your website. Thinkeo acts like a headless CMS but with the ability to create ephemeral content, thereby integrating content into processes, flows, and by extension industrializing its generation.

This is why we do not consider ourselves just a simple document generator and not at all a knowledge base. What you do in Thinkeo is create logics around your content. It's about integrating it simply into your processes so that they become more fluid.

A Simple Example

For instance, when you respond to a request for proposal, you need to create slides for the defense to show your client that you've understood their needs and have the right solution. The data is in your CRM. The expected format is a PPT. In between: Thinkeo.

Previously, you've created powerful and intelligent content logics such as: If client = A, then add Slide 2. If client > B, then choose version 3 rather than version 4 for Slide 1. You create a conditional tree, a logic. You don't know exactly what content will be needed for each situation, so you act on the rules to allow for creation within a framework defined by your organization.

When you're on your CRM and want to create slides for your defense, you simply click a button. All the data in the CRM allows Thinkeo to understand the context. Then, the logics automatically execute until a PPT is generated as the final deliverable. You're spared the complexity, you see the result. The document is precise, respects your brand, your positioning, etc. Rather than spending an afternoon, you've spent 1 minute. So, you can devote your afternoon to thinking about your client's needs, potential demands, etc.

Empowering Corporate Content

That's why we loudly claim that we make corporate content alive. We offer you to become superheroes by acting on the rules, having a meta management of your content (and by extension of your knowledge). Goodbye to micro-management, Thinkeo enables you to orchestrate your content in harmony with your internal processes.

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