Blocks and AI: the perfect pair for creating connected content that adapts to its reader

The structure and modularity of content blocks are key, making it easier to break down and customize complex information. AI boosts this flexibility, enabling smart and adaptive integration of data into the blocks. This teamwork between blocks and AI helps create strategic, accurate, and relevant documents, tailoring content in real time to meet specific client or project needs. This partnership marks a big step forward in making content more personalized and smart.
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September 1, 2023
Blocks and AI: the perfect pair for creating connected content that adapts to its reader

The power of chain-of-thoughts with blocks

In sectors like construction or banking, where every document is unique, private, and intricate, being able to change and structure information is vital. "Blocks" of content provide this structure, allowing for the breakdown and arrangement of complex information. Each block can be tweaked and customized, making it easier for teams to work together and speeding up the creation process.

AI as a driver of adaptability

Artificial Intelligence (AI) brings a new layer to this setup. It can analyze complex data and blend it directly into these blocks, making the content not only flexible but also smart.

Synergy between blocks and AI

When blocks are used with AI, they serve as guides for the AI, helping it understand where and how to generate content. This collaboration gives businesses extra control and strength, allowing them to create highly strategic and personalized documents.

The perfect pair

When blocks link up with AI, the content becomes connected and can change as needed. For example, imagine a business proposal in the construction field. You have different blocks like "Project Summary," "Cost Estimates," "Project Timeline," etc. With AI, these blocks can change on the fly. If a potential client looks at the proposal and they care a lot about being eco-friendly, the "Materials" block could automatically focus on green options.

Diversity of data

Blocks can link to a wide range of data sets. In the construction example, a block might be linked to a database about materials to use or current regulations. Managing and framing this wide array of data by segmenting the AI's impact by block allows for greater customization and accuracy.


The mix of blocks and AI is more than just an improvement in how we create content. It offers a new way to structure, personalize, and smarten up content. In a world where details are crucial, this partnership allows companies to create documents that are not only tailored to their needs but also extremely precise and relevant. Using blocks to create powerful chain-of-thoughts in AI processes lets AI handle complex tasks, transforming traditional content management systems and setting a new standard in intelligent content creation.